Thursday, May 21, 2009

Raiding the easy way...

So a thought occurred to me. There is no reason what-so-ever that you could not run a 25-man or even a 10-man with more than the "recommended" number of people.

So why not bring more to the raid?

Here is how I see the answer: "Well if I bring in 40 people to a 10 man raid, then I have to compete with 30 more people than I did before to get loot!" While the competition may be real, you are still subject to either the random number generator or the dkp numbers... Also, the number of badges doesn't change. Everyone still gets badges...

So my thought is that you can take 40 people and down 10 man naxx in an hour... so people get the badges and some gear, and then move on to the next raid. Heck, you can run naxx 25 with the same 40 people and get another set of gear.

The money you can make from this is nice too. One hour runs of naxx, and all the sharding that can take place... lots of good gold running in.

I think this applies to Ulduar as well. There are plenty of spots you can go - even in the vehicles. So what if your guild took 40 people into 25 man ulduar, you still cleared it right? Plus you can get the gear needed to handle hard modes.

Any thoughts?

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Stayin with GoA

So I have had a bit of a dilemma. My alt warlock has been running with a raiding guild - and they were recruiting me a lot.

I decided not to join for the good of GoA.

Monday, May 4, 2009

waited too long

OK - so according to wifey - I waited too long to start raiding... and subsequently i am behind the 8 ball. OK. I can deal with that thought. But... I can also say that I popped my warlock from 10-man naxx worthiness to 25 man EoE worthiness in a night. Now, that isnt Ulduar or anything... but hey, if you have some gear - and more importantly some ability to listen and learn; you will go far.

So now the warlock is better than the Pally. Now I always thought of the pally as my main. Ive almost always been protection, even while leveling. I popped holy for a while at 70 cause thats all people wanted - Heals...

I think I am a force to be reckoned with - especially now that I have soaked all I can from maintankadin, and come with some additional variations of rotation and threat production. My job? make the mobs madder than hell at me, without being one or 2-shot. I have decent mitigation and health. I also can keep the threat now from my T75+ geared wifey lock... :-)

Monthly subscription: $14.95
Time spent playing: Free minus opportunity costs
Being able to out-do Epic Wife-Aggro: Priceless

That was too funny in my own head to not share with everyone. For all who didnt find that funny - you need to understand Wife-Aggro... The traditional use of the term is to define what it is when the wife is pissed that you are playing and not doing something she wants you to be doing. Usually includes nagging and always includes an annoyed wife :-) IN this case, we are talking about her ability to hold aggro on a boss, and so its a perversion of the normal usage.

Yeah... explaining jokes always kill them. oh well.

so my plan is to start getting more runs in with her and my brother in law on some 5 mans. Perhaps I can get my dad and sis in there too. Nitar isnt on enough to count on for weekday stuff... so Alcoa would fill in. Either that or I would need to pug someone. whatever. I just want to move forward to get this behind me.

I also want to get Valnyr for Handar. He needs that.

As an update, wifeys guid is still dying, and she is being HEAVILY recruited by guilds with 3/4 of 25 man ulduar down.