Thursday, May 21, 2009

Raiding the easy way...

So a thought occurred to me. There is no reason what-so-ever that you could not run a 25-man or even a 10-man with more than the "recommended" number of people.

So why not bring more to the raid?

Here is how I see the answer: "Well if I bring in 40 people to a 10 man raid, then I have to compete with 30 more people than I did before to get loot!" While the competition may be real, you are still subject to either the random number generator or the dkp numbers... Also, the number of badges doesn't change. Everyone still gets badges...

So my thought is that you can take 40 people and down 10 man naxx in an hour... so people get the badges and some gear, and then move on to the next raid. Heck, you can run naxx 25 with the same 40 people and get another set of gear.

The money you can make from this is nice too. One hour runs of naxx, and all the sharding that can take place... lots of good gold running in.

I think this applies to Ulduar as well. There are plenty of spots you can go - even in the vehicles. So what if your guild took 40 people into 25 man ulduar, you still cleared it right? Plus you can get the gear needed to handle hard modes.

Any thoughts?

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